Saturday, June 6, 2009

H1N1: Patient 12 took MRT to doc

Source: TODAYonline

H1N1: Patient 12 took MRT to doc
05:55 AM Jun 06, 2009

HE DEVELOPED flu symptoms while he was in Melbourne, and though he did not have a fever when he landed at Changi Airport on June 1, the 18-year-old thought to isolate himself from his family by checking into a hotel.

But then, two days later, he went to see a doctor - by taking the MRT.

As Singapore reported its 13th and 14th cases of H1N1 on Friday, more details emerged of patient No 12 who was confirmed with the virus a day before.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health (MOH) advised all passengers of Singapore Airlines flight SQ25 (from New York to Singapore via Frankfurt) on June 1 to monitor their health closely until June 8, after the tally of confirmed H1N1 cases from that flight hit six.

In its update on patient No 12, the MOH said home quarantine orders had been issued to three local contacts and 21 passengers who were on the same Emirates flight EK405.

The ministry did not say if MRT commuters who shared the train ride with him were at any risk of exposure. But on its website, the MOH defines close contacts as “persons who have sustained unprotected exposure to the confirmed case for a significant duration” - for example, more than an hour - and within a proximity of 2 metres.

According to the MOH, the teenager was met at the airport on Monday by a friend who drove him to a hotel. The next morning he took a taxi to a GP clinic, then later checked out of the hotel and went to his sister’s home by cab.

On Wednesday morning, he and a family member took the MRT to see the same GP.

But that afternoon, the MOH added Melbourne to its list of affected areas with H1N1 community transmission. The next day, the teenager was taken to Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) by a 993 ambulance - it was not stated who had called for it.

Patient No 13 had also returned from Melbourne. The 23-year-old Singaporean developed symptoms before returning home on Thursday on SIA flight SQ238. His fever was picked up by the airport thermal scanner, and he was taken to TTSH by ambulance. Passengers on that flight seated within rows 38 to 42 are asked to call the MOH hotline at 1800-333 9999.

Patient No 14 was a stewardess on flight SQ25. Three passengers had earlier been confirmed as H1N1 patients here, while Malaysia has reported two cases linked to the flight.

While these passengers had arrived in Singapore on Monday, the 22-year-old stewardess had stopped over in Frankfurt. She developed symptoms after returning on Tuesday, and saw a GP on Thursday whereupon she was referred to TTSH.

SIA spokesman Nicholas Ionides said crew on that flight are being taken off their rosters for the virus incubation period. The plane would also undergo cleaning and disinfecting.

The MOH reminded those who become unwell within seven days of returning from affected areas to seek medical attention promptly and call 993 for an ambulance. “They should avoid taking public transport or taxi to minimise exposure.”

Got money go melbourne, go stay hotel when come back to ISOLATE himself, but took mrt to see doctor... wonderful how dumb ppl can be sometimes...

Thanks to techstuff for posting @ HWZ

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mr Bean 50% Discount Coupon

Only for Super Soya Milk thou..

Download the pdf file here

Thanks to Alisa for the email~!
From Email

When you purchase a regular pair of Jeans that is above S$100 from the store, you will be given a S$100 voucher to be use for your next purchase in the same store.

So if the Jeans is S$109.90, after paying you will receive a S$100 voucher to buy anything from the store except Brief, Sock, Watches and Shoes.

There is no min purchase require for the use of the S$100 voucher.

Redemption can be 100% of the voucher without having to top up any more cash if the amount add up to S$100 exactly, however, if it exceed then you will have to top up the difference.

So hurry down to any of the Levi's store to make your purchases.

Happy shopping!

Thanks to Alisa for the email~!

Rumour!! New iPhone Will Include 3D Graphics Chip, Hits July

From Kotaku

Next week at Apple's annual World Wide Developers Conference the company will be unveiling its new iPhone, a device that will sport a built-in 3D graphics chip, operate on a new, higher-speed network and hit mid-July, sources tell Kotaku.

Our sources told us that the new iPhone will also tout much more robust Bluetooth support, an upgrade that will allow third-party developers to to release add-on products like a keyboard or game controller.

The new network, which AT&T is currently working on, in theory may also allow AT&T to extend its exclusivity deal with Apple.

Both the new iPhone and the new firmware for the current iPhone will roll-out on July 17, sources tell us.

This rumor comes as word hits that Apple is also starting to hire in-house game developers.

The inclusion of the 3D graphics chip and hiring of developers are, in many ways, Apple's acknowledgment of the growing importance of gaming to the platform. Another thing the developer is considering to help bolster gaming on the iPhone include the possibility of a new store dedicated solely to gaming. The company will also be watching with great interest the roll-out of in-game microtransactions with the latest firmware.

Source: Kotaku

Phew.. if this is true, lucky i haven go change to the 3G one... lolz...

Metroid: Other M

Nintendo is partnering with Team Ninja, not Retro Studios, for the newest outer space adventure starring Samus Aran, Metroid: Other M. The Wii game is a mix of first and third-person action. It looks spectacular.

Team Ninja looks like it will do wonderful things with the Wii hardware, giving Metroid fans who crave a return to third-person action something to look forward to. And the promise of Team Ninja artists and Samus Zero Suit action is practically too much to bear.


Dunno abt u guys but Team Ninja is responsible for titles like DoA, DoA volleyball or sth rite? so i guess..... the latest Samus is gonna have enormous ,bouncing ,gravity-deprived, chest like the DoA girls? lolz...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Metal Gear Arcade

From Kotaku
Details about this Japanese arcade title are scant and scattered. Here's what we know:

It was announced at the Konami press conference. Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima and his studio Kojima Productions are involved. At the press conference, it was announced that the game uses "3D googles". This teaser images reads "Tactical Online Action."

A trademark appeared this past April. That trademark was protected against "entertainment services" for "providing a website featuring information about video games" and "arranging and conducting video game competitions."

The game will be out in Japan later this year.

Our take: it will be a customized arcade take on Metal Gear Online with networked arcade cabinets.

Source: Kotaku

PSP Go! hands on from Kotaku

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Team ICO's new game is now called The Last Guardian

Remember this post?

Now at E3 Team Ico have updated the new trailer with improvements in the models n stuff, check it out below

FF XIV for Ps3 & PC

Looks like the PlayStation 3 is getting a double dose of Final Fantasy next year, as Sony reveals a new online Final Fantasy XIV for the PlayStation 3. Yes, XIV.

A complete and utter surprise to the entire audience, Final Fantasy XIV will be coming to the PlayStation 3 exclusively next year, assumedly after Final Fantasy XIII is released. A brief trailer was shown which looked very much like Final Fantasy XI, with the text "A new online epic begins."


Thanks to Juan for the link~

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Project Natal

Introducing Project Natal, a revolutionary new way to play: no controller required. See a ball? Kick it, hit it, trap it or catch it. If you know how to move your hands, shake your hips or speak you and your friends can jump into the fun -- the only experience needed is life experience.

Demo Video- Milo Project

Milo Project video courtesy of Gametrailers

Overall if this works, it's gonna be very very interesting !

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hatsune Miku has a sister! Kureha Nendoroid

Got surprise present from a very special friend of mine :)

So now my miku finally got company~!

"1st encounter!"

"Tense moment #01"

"Tense moment #02"

"Leek attack!!"


Thanks for the present babe *muacks* :)

New Psp- PSP Go

In the video:

• Grand Turismo, LittleBigPlanet, Jak & Daxter and Metal Gear are all either confirmed or mentioned.
• The Go's 16 gigs of flash memory and bluetooth support ("You can also tether it to your cell phone,") are touted.
• In discussing the PSP Go's video-playing capability, it sounds like the rental service through PSN will extend to the PSP Go.
• PSP Go will not replace the PSP-3000; the 3000 will still be kept on the market.

Source: Kotaku