Friday, April 30, 2010

Driver FTW! !

posted by KeithTZH @ Gamescore Forums

Anime Opening vs Life Action


Full Metal Alchemist

most hilarious !!


someone pls kill this guy -_-


this guys too, even the cat pls

Lucky Star

...............holy shit...... i'm putting this under horror...

posted by yperic @ HWZ

Who needs a army swiss knife when u have one of this??

so is our army getting one of these??

posted by Fattybob @ HWZ

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Heineken Commercial

posted by uNrEaLiTy @ HWZ

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Baby Seal found on the roof

"The sound of someone shuffling around on the roofdeck of my apartment this morning woke me up at 6:30am. Groggy, I threw on some clothes to see what was going on.

Just as I crest the top stair, to my surprise I see a baby seal hanging out! At this point I can't tell if I'm still dreaming or not, so I go downstairs and grab my camera. Take a photo- yes, check, baby seal on camera.

So I call Newport Beach animal control. Our conversation went something like this:

Police: "Hello, Newport Beach police."
Me: "Hi, um, there is a sea lion on my roof."
Police: "Sir, there is a what on your roof?"
Me: "A sea lion. Can you come and help him out?"
Police: "OK Sir." Pause....laughter "We'll send someone over right away." (incredulously)

Meanwhile, I snap some more photos of the little guy. My roommate is up and our neighbor comes to check it out too. I think, maybe this guy can be my friend? Maybe he can live in my bathtub like the 1994 classic movie "Andre?" We'd hang out all the time and people would respect us. If they didn't we would escape on a wild adventure...

That didn't happen, rather, a guy in an animal control truck rolls up. Before he goes up the stairs, Andre, I mean the seal, climbs up on the railing and looks like he's gonna jump!

We try to talk him down but he looks like he's just showing off. Moments later, Andre gets put in a box. Andre looks bummed. Andre gets taken to the Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach, to get checked out before being released.

Goodbye Andre. Next time you visit I promise I won't call animal control on you again...


Awwww.... tt baby seal is so cute~! but how the hell he got onto the roof anyway??

Next Stop~ Pigeon Land...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Starcraft Kart

Someone in Starcraft2 Beta came up with this map , fans of mario kart will know wat's going on :D

Jack Black, Ben Stiller & Robert Downey, Jr. at 2008 MTV Movie Awards

Another Century's Episode R

as usual, the CG is damn gd !!

posted by cloudbp @ HWZ