Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Crazy Guitar Skills
Posted by charmanderrrr @ HWZ
here's some more videos from the same guy...
Pirates Of The Caribbean Theme !! WTF !!
i think his fingers are freaking fake !!
Kopi under...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Chinese Guy throws Bike at Snatch Thieves
damn cool ! lolz
Posted by RonRon @ Sammyboy Forums
Kopi under...
Monday, December 28, 2009
Adventures of Gin Gin Part 2
This is Vodka
My goodness, dogs sure can grow!! Since the previous meet up , haven seen Gin for a few mths n now her size is abt the same as Vodka ! n she's more round n cute now !!
but think she has 4gotten abt us, keep keeping a wide distance from us n damn scared of us... *sigh*
at least in the end, manage to play with her using her pillow toy lolz...
Pardon the sucky pics thou :P
Kopi under...
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ridley Scott to Direct Alien Prequel!
Alien 5 News | Posted by Darkness on 31 Jul 2009 13:33 GMT
Variety have confirmed that Ridley Scott is going to direct the upcoming Alien Prequel movie. Fox have also hired Jon Spaihts to write the prequel. The studio was impressed by his work on two space thrillers called Passengers and Shadow 19.
Twentieth Century Fox is resuscitating its "Alien" franchise. The studio has hired Jon Spaihts to write a prequel that has Ridley Scott attached to return as director. Spaihts got the job after pitching the studio and Scott Free, which will produce the film.
The film is set up to be a prequel to the groundbreaking 1979 film that Scott directed. It will precede that film, in which the crew of a commercial towing ship returning to Earth is awakened and sent to respond to a distress signal from a nearby planetoid. The crew discovers too late that the signal generated by an empty ship was meant to warn them.
This is excellent news about Ridley Scott returning. Thanks to dDave, Aiden, Alien Genesis, Kirkempk, Clayton, and Giger_Incubator for the news.
Posted by atomisedion @ HWZ
Kopi under...
Monday, December 21, 2009
YouTube video leads to Hollywood contract
A producer from Uruguay who uploaded a short film to YouTube in November 2009 has been offered a $30m (£18.6m) contract to make a Hollywood film.
The movie will be sponsored by director Sam Raimi, whose credits include the Spiderman and Evil Dead films.
Fede Alvarez's short film "Ataque de Panico!" (Panic Attack!) featured giant robots invading and destroying Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay.
It is 4 mins 48 seconds long and was made on a budget of $300 (£186).
So far it has had more than 1.5 million views on YouTube.
"I uploaded (Panic Attack!) on a Thursday and on Monday my inbox was totally full of e-mails from Hollywood studios," he told the BBC's Latin American service BBC Mundo.
"It was amazing, we were all shocked."
The movie Mr Alvarez has been asked to produce is a sci-fi film to be shot in Uruguay and Argentina. He says he intends to start from scratch and develop a new story for the project.
"If some director from some country can achieve this just uploading a video to YouTube, it obviously means that anyone could do it," he added.
YouTube recently revealed the most watched videos of 2009. Britain's Got Talent star Susan Boyle topped the chart with more than 120 million views worldwide of her debut on the show.
Source: BBC
here's the video
The movie will be sponsored by director Sam Raimi, whose credits include the Spiderman and Evil Dead films.
Fede Alvarez's short film "Ataque de Panico!" (Panic Attack!) featured giant robots invading and destroying Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay.
It is 4 mins 48 seconds long and was made on a budget of $300 (£186).
So far it has had more than 1.5 million views on YouTube.
"I uploaded (Panic Attack!) on a Thursday and on Monday my inbox was totally full of e-mails from Hollywood studios," he told the BBC's Latin American service BBC Mundo.
"It was amazing, we were all shocked."
The movie Mr Alvarez has been asked to produce is a sci-fi film to be shot in Uruguay and Argentina. He says he intends to start from scratch and develop a new story for the project.
"If some director from some country can achieve this just uploading a video to YouTube, it obviously means that anyone could do it," he added.
YouTube recently revealed the most watched videos of 2009. Britain's Got Talent star Susan Boyle topped the chart with more than 120 million views worldwide of her debut on the show.
Source: BBC
here's the video
Kopi under...
Sumomo Okonomiyaki Dinner @ Prinsep Street
The stove we gonna cook on.. kinda reminds me of Baidu -_-
(Actually can cook 2 at one go, but 1st time trying, so take it slowly.. lol )
Overall we ordered a Pork, Mixed (pork, squid etc all in one), a 6pc gyoza and 1 yakisoba (which unfortunately is cooked already.. we thought is we cook ourselves one...)
total damage = 72bucks including 2drinks (milk tea and coke)
personally it's not actually filling as a meal should... it's more like a snack ba... the food is pretty gd thou, esp the pork
nice place to chill out too
Friday, December 18, 2009
Mr Brown and the Flood
From MrBrown
From what I understand, MICA's MEWR's issue (via MICA) with the column was that it criticized a minister and a ministry.
I am now posting it on my blog in its entirety for you to enjoy:
mrbrown and the flood (Warning: contains satire and jokes)
I think we need to appoint a Minister of Freak Incidents soon.
After all, who is going to deal with the kind of incidents like the recent flooding of Bukit Timah? According to the authorities, the kind of rainfall that can cause such flooding was a 'freak' event that occurs only once in 50 years.
Environment Minister Yaacob Ibrahim even said, "We knew the diversion canal was not big enough to take this."
That was very reassuring to know. I can imagine someone saying, "You know, those canals are not going to be able to take very heavy rainfall."
And someone else in charge might have said, "We know. But what to do? We cannot make the biggest canals to accommodate the biggest rainfall possible. We can't cater to freaks. Anyway, once in a half-century only lah."
If your Ferrari happened to be submerged in a basement car park that fateful freak of a day, and your insurance does not cover "use of car as submarine", you can still find solace that the next time this kind of flooding occurs, it will be 50 years later.
So feel free to buy a new car and park it in underground car parks along Bukit Timah after this.
While this is not Katrina, the residents of District 11 do not have it good, either. They work hard, live on prime land, and their homes cost millions of dollars. Plus their area does not even have an MRT station yet. And now, poor things, their district is the new Singapore River.
I think we should see the bright side. Perhaps we can try to make the best of things. If you cannot stop the flooding, why not make Bukit Timah the Venice of Singapore? What could be more romantic and prestigious than living in Singapore's Canal District?
Instead of driving, residents can glide down Bukit Timah in gondolas and luxury boats. Why should only Punggol get the water sports fun?
The fancy schools along that stretch can have annual Boat Races there, a la Oxford and Cambridge. ACS, SCGS, Hwa Chong, NJC, St Joseph's, all competing in the annual Bukit Timah Freak Flood Inter-School Boat Race.
Schools there will no longer need their own swimming pools. Instead, we can groom a new generation of young swimmers who have been trained from young to swim to school for their exams.
It's not a flood-prone area, it's a waterfront lifestyle opportunity.
Our submarine corps need not go elsewhere for their training exercises, too. Just get those ex-Västergötland class Swedish subs into the Bukit Timah Canal District and do their drills there. It may be challenging to create parking lots for the subs but I am sure the government will find a way.
I hear they are installing some water-level sensor which will warn of rising water levels in Bukit Timah Canal. I suppose it is so that if the sensor goes off, the Traffic Police can notify nearby condominiums and residents can carry their cars upstairs to their attics or drive it to HDB multi-storey car parks nearby.
Frankly, I feel a simple sign will do. Something that says "If the water level along Bukit Timah rises above this sign, please alert the authorities".
Another initiative the government can consider is to start neighbourhood Flood Watch. All the homes in Bukit Timah will be issued with buckets and assigned flood duties. In the event of flooding, residents will pour out onto the streets to scoop up buckets of water and dump the water in the Bukit Timah Canal. Clever, right?
That is my suggestion to our leaders. Don't fight the flood, go with the flow! It is only a freak flood, Singapore.
Ah this just brings back fond memories of walking to my school along Bukit Timah Road in torrential rain, and walking right into the giant longkang near Coronation Plaza because flood waters obscured the pavement and the drain! Good times!
Right! Let's move on! Who wants to volunteer to be Singapore's first Minister of Freak Incidents and Drains? Hands up! The position offers good pay and you only need to worry about stuff once every 50 years.
Posted by Shinji Hue @ HWZ
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Local news
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Gundam Motions : Swordsman Legend 鋼彈之笑傲江湖
posted by Zerofighter00 @ HWZ
Kopi under...
Scientists spot nearby 'super-Earth'

(CNN) -- Astronomers announced this week they found a water-rich and relatively nearby planet that's similar in size to Earth.
While the planet probably has too thick of an atmosphere and is too hot to support life similar to that found on Earth, the discovery is being heralded as a major breakthrough in humanity's search for life on other planets.
"The big excitement is that we have found a watery world orbiting a very nearby and very small star," said David Charbonneau, a Harvard professor of astronomy and lead author of an article on the discovery, which appeared this week in the journal Nature.
The planet, named GJ 1214b, is 2.7 times as large as Earth and orbits a star much smaller and less luminous than our sun. That's significant, Charbonneau said, because for many years, astronomers assumed that planets only would be found orbiting stars that are similar in size to the sun.
Because of that assumption, researchers didn't spend much time looking for planets circling small stars, he said. The discovery of this "watery world" helps debunk the notion that Earth-like planets could form only in conditions similar to those in our solar system.
"Nature is just far more inventive in making planets than we were imagining," he said.
In a way, the newly discovered planet was sitting right in front of astronomers' faces, just waiting for them to look. Instead of using high-powered telescopes attached to satellites, they spotted the planet using an amateur-sized, 16-inch telescope on the ground.
There were no technological reasons the discovery couldn't have happened long ago, Charbonneau said.
The planet is also rather near to our solar system -- only about 40 light-years away.
Planet GJ 1214b is classified as a "super-Earth" because it is between one and 10 times as large as Earth. Scientists have known about the existence of super-Earths for only a couple of years. Most planets discovered by astronomers have been gassy giants that are much more similar to Jupiter than to Earth.
Charbonneau said it's unlikely that any life on the newly discovered planet would be similar to life on Earth, but he didn't discount the idea entirely.
"This planet probably does have liquid water," he said.
Source: CNN
Posted by asymmetric @ HWZ
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Funny Dance
eh... if u are eating..pls dun watch.. might puke..
Kopi under...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Facepalm on Modern warfare 2
Recent interview with Michelle Rodriguez
What games are you playing these days?
Assassin's Creed II.
What do you think about the Italian Renaissance thing going on there?
I think it's awesome, but I haven't had a chance to get that far into it yet because I'm too busy with freaking Call of Duty!
What are your thoughts on the airport sequence in Modern Warfare 2?
There's an airport sequence?
Where they make you go and kill the hostages.
Holy shit.
You haven ‘t played that part?
Uh-uh. I haven't gotten that far. I've been playing online.
There's a sequence where they force you to kill the hostages.
Holy shit. And do you have to do it?
You have to do it or you die, since they find out you're undercover.
Fucked up. Talk about collateral damage.
What games are you playing these days?
Assassin's Creed II.
What do you think about the Italian Renaissance thing going on there?
I think it's awesome, but I haven't had a chance to get that far into it yet because I'm too busy with freaking Call of Duty!
What are your thoughts on the airport sequence in Modern Warfare 2?
There's an airport sequence?
Where they make you go and kill the hostages.
Holy shit.
You haven ‘t played that part?
Uh-uh. I haven't gotten that far. I've been playing online.
There's a sequence where they force you to kill the hostages.
Holy shit. And do you have to do it?
You have to do it or you die, since they find out you're undercover.
Fucked up. Talk about collateral damage.
/facepalm... for the ppl who dunno... THAT airport level is onli the 2nd level of the game... 3rd, if u count the training tutorial mission...
anyway there's ppl who onli buys it to play online... so... *shruggs*
Kopi under...
When mum's not at home...
lolz.. wtf sia !!
posted by singdigi @ HWZ
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Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Travel Channel's Man v. Food / Man v Food - Harold's Triple Decker
posted by SpikeOut @ Gamescore
Warning, dun watch if u are hungry !!
Kopi under...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
USAF Research Laboratory's PS3s

From Kotaku
"Here's just a taste. This is the back room of the USAF Research Laboratory's information directorate in Rome, New York, and these are the branch's original allotment of 336 consoles. Which is terrifying enough. Factor in another 2200 and we're getting to the stage where Miles Dyson needs to be blown away."
tt's cool~~ :D
Kopi under...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Teen with H1N1 flu left to fend for herself
Teen with H1N1 flu left to fend for herself
By Crystal Chan
You're down with fever and need tender-loving care. Who do you turn to?
Family, of course.
Not so for Laura Lee.
The 15-year-old student has been left alone to battle the H1N1 virus at home for almost two weeks.
Her parents moved out of their three-room flat in Ang Mo Kio to stay with relatives, leaving her to fend for herself.
The reason: Fear.
So afraid are they of being infected that they won't even bring food to their only child. They stay in touch by calling her on the phone every day.
Reluctant to leave home because she doesn't want to risk infecting others, Laura has been surviving on only instant noodles and plain porridge.
Laura told the The New Paper on Sunday that she came down with a fever on 22 Nov.
She went to see a GP, who gave her normal flu medication.
Laura said: "I thought it was the common flu and I'd hoped to recover by last weekend as I was meeting a friend to celebrate her birthday."
But Laura's plans were dashed.
She had gone for a blood test on 24 Nov.
On the same day, her parents moved out.
They had suspected her illness to be more than the common flu.
The results the next day confirmed that she had H1N1.
By then, her temperature was 39.3 degrees Celsius.
Before moving out, her mother, Mrs Lily Lee, 45, a housewife, had become worried when Laura showed no sign of improvement.
Her dad, Mr Andy Lee, 52, is a call centre officer at a government agency.
The couple moved out to stay with Mr Lee's brother and sister-in-law.
Since the effects of H1N1 have been shown to be mild, contact tracing and quarantine orders are generally not required.
Mr Lee and his wife declined comment, but their nephew, Mr Paul Lee, 42, an odd-job worker, explained that the couple was afraid of falling ill.
He said: "They're not that young. If they get H1N1, they fear their bodies may not be able to fight it.
"The virus could be all over their flat so they don't feel comfortable even leaving food on the doorstep for Laura."
But aren't they being irresponsible by leaving their young daughter to fend for herself?
Mr Lee said: "There's enough vegetables and meat in the fridge, and Laura can make instant noodles.
"She's old enough to look after herself.
"Besides, it's only for a short while and the rest of the family are still contactable by handphone."
He pointed out that Laura's parents call her every day to check on her.
He said: "Once Laura recovers and has been given the all-clear, my uncle and aunt will go home."
But Dr Vincent Chia, deputy medical director of Healthway Medical Group, feels Laura's parents are overreacting.
Said Dr Chia: "Her parents should have just got a H1N1 vaccination and they'd be safe. They could also practise good hygiene, if they continued to live with her, such as washing their hands thoroughly and wearing masks.
"They're overreacting by moving out, especially when she needs care and attention."
He added that H1N1 is preventable and treatable and should not be treated like Sars.
Only those aged 65 years and above, children under 5, pregnant women, and adults and children with underlying medical problems such as asthma and diabetes, face a higher risk of developing complications from H1N1.
Laura said her parents do not have existing health problems.
But she understands how her parents feel.
"At their age," said Laura over the phone. "I can understand that they're more anxious about their health.
"They could have gotten vaccinated, but they were afraid after reading about the side effects in the media."
As of 22 Nov, the Health Sciences Authority's Vigilance Branch, which monitors vaccine safety on the national level, received 27 adverse event reports suspected to be associated with the use of a H1N1 vaccine not manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline.
Of the 27 people in Singapore who came down with adverse reactions after being vaccinated, most have recovered.
The reactions included minor anticipated side effects such as fever, rashes, flu-like symptoms, headaches, nausea and vomiting.
"These reactions are commonly expected from all flu vaccines and most of these reactions are resolved within a few days," the HSA spokesman had said.
Daily monitoring
Laura takes her temperature daily with a thermometer that her school issued earlier this year, when the H1N1 virus broke out in Mexico.
She also has two boxes of surgical masks in case she needs to visit a pandemic-preparedness clinic if her fever worsens.
She refuses to leave home as she does not want to spread her illness.
"Keeping myself busy is not a problem as the medicine makes me drowsy so I'm asleep for half the day," said Laura, who spends the rest of her time watching TV and surfing the Internet, or chatting online with friends.
Her friends have offered to take food to her, but she does not want to bother them.
She said: "I don't even have a good appetite because of the medicine I'm taking.
"For now, I just want to get well soon. I'm still running a fever."
Posted by babyanjel @ HWZ
hmm... no comments on the parents...
By Crystal Chan
You're down with fever and need tender-loving care. Who do you turn to?
Family, of course.
Not so for Laura Lee.
The 15-year-old student has been left alone to battle the H1N1 virus at home for almost two weeks.
Her parents moved out of their three-room flat in Ang Mo Kio to stay with relatives, leaving her to fend for herself.
The reason: Fear.
So afraid are they of being infected that they won't even bring food to their only child. They stay in touch by calling her on the phone every day.
Reluctant to leave home because she doesn't want to risk infecting others, Laura has been surviving on only instant noodles and plain porridge.
Laura told the The New Paper on Sunday that she came down with a fever on 22 Nov.
She went to see a GP, who gave her normal flu medication.
Laura said: "I thought it was the common flu and I'd hoped to recover by last weekend as I was meeting a friend to celebrate her birthday."
But Laura's plans were dashed.
She had gone for a blood test on 24 Nov.
On the same day, her parents moved out.
They had suspected her illness to be more than the common flu.
The results the next day confirmed that she had H1N1.
By then, her temperature was 39.3 degrees Celsius.
Before moving out, her mother, Mrs Lily Lee, 45, a housewife, had become worried when Laura showed no sign of improvement.
Her dad, Mr Andy Lee, 52, is a call centre officer at a government agency.
The couple moved out to stay with Mr Lee's brother and sister-in-law.
Since the effects of H1N1 have been shown to be mild, contact tracing and quarantine orders are generally not required.
Mr Lee and his wife declined comment, but their nephew, Mr Paul Lee, 42, an odd-job worker, explained that the couple was afraid of falling ill.
He said: "They're not that young. If they get H1N1, they fear their bodies may not be able to fight it.
"The virus could be all over their flat so they don't feel comfortable even leaving food on the doorstep for Laura."
But aren't they being irresponsible by leaving their young daughter to fend for herself?
Mr Lee said: "There's enough vegetables and meat in the fridge, and Laura can make instant noodles.
"She's old enough to look after herself.
"Besides, it's only for a short while and the rest of the family are still contactable by handphone."
He pointed out that Laura's parents call her every day to check on her.
He said: "Once Laura recovers and has been given the all-clear, my uncle and aunt will go home."
But Dr Vincent Chia, deputy medical director of Healthway Medical Group, feels Laura's parents are overreacting.
Said Dr Chia: "Her parents should have just got a H1N1 vaccination and they'd be safe. They could also practise good hygiene, if they continued to live with her, such as washing their hands thoroughly and wearing masks.
"They're overreacting by moving out, especially when she needs care and attention."
He added that H1N1 is preventable and treatable and should not be treated like Sars.
Only those aged 65 years and above, children under 5, pregnant women, and adults and children with underlying medical problems such as asthma and diabetes, face a higher risk of developing complications from H1N1.
Laura said her parents do not have existing health problems.
But she understands how her parents feel.
"At their age," said Laura over the phone. "I can understand that they're more anxious about their health.
"They could have gotten vaccinated, but they were afraid after reading about the side effects in the media."
As of 22 Nov, the Health Sciences Authority's Vigilance Branch, which monitors vaccine safety on the national level, received 27 adverse event reports suspected to be associated with the use of a H1N1 vaccine not manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline.
Of the 27 people in Singapore who came down with adverse reactions after being vaccinated, most have recovered.
The reactions included minor anticipated side effects such as fever, rashes, flu-like symptoms, headaches, nausea and vomiting.
"These reactions are commonly expected from all flu vaccines and most of these reactions are resolved within a few days," the HSA spokesman had said.
Daily monitoring
Laura takes her temperature daily with a thermometer that her school issued earlier this year, when the H1N1 virus broke out in Mexico.
She also has two boxes of surgical masks in case she needs to visit a pandemic-preparedness clinic if her fever worsens.
She refuses to leave home as she does not want to spread her illness.
"Keeping myself busy is not a problem as the medicine makes me drowsy so I'm asleep for half the day," said Laura, who spends the rest of her time watching TV and surfing the Internet, or chatting online with friends.
Her friends have offered to take food to her, but she does not want to bother them.
She said: "I don't even have a good appetite because of the medicine I'm taking.
"For now, I just want to get well soon. I'm still running a fever."
Posted by babyanjel @ HWZ
hmm... no comments on the parents...
Kopi under...
Local news,
Monday, December 7, 2009
New Zealand HIV-positive man 'infects wife with needle'
An HIV-positive New Zealand man pricked his sleeping wife with a needle tainted with his blood, infecting her with the virus, court papers have revealed.
It is believed the man wanted to give her the virus, which leads to Aids, so she would have sex with him again, the New Zealand Sunday Star-Times reported.
According to the documents, the man twice pricked his wife with a sewing needle tainted with his blood.
It is believed the man wanted to give her the virus, which leads to Aids, so she would have sex with him again, the New Zealand Sunday Star-Times reported.
According to the documents, the man twice pricked his wife with a sewing needle tainted with his blood.
The man has admitted infecting his wife and faces up to 14 years in jail.
The 35-year-old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been remanded in custody and will be sentenced at Auckland High Court early next year.
According to the court documents obtained by the newspaper, the husband discovered he was HIV-positive during health checks when the family arrived in New Zealand in 2004.
His wife and children were not infected.
The 35-year-old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been remanded in custody and will be sentenced at Auckland High Court early next year.
According to the court documents obtained by the newspaper, the husband discovered he was HIV-positive during health checks when the family arrived in New Zealand in 2004.
His wife and children were not infected.
'Sting-like mark'
The wife said she wanted to stay with her husband for the sake of their children but refused to have sex with him for fear of contracting the disease.
But she said that in May last year she found "a sting-like mark" on her left thigh and two days later awoke to a stinging feeling in her leg.
She said she also saw her husband handling a syringe full of his blood.
But she said that in May last year she found "a sting-like mark" on her left thigh and two days later awoke to a stinging feeling in her leg.
She said she also saw her husband handling a syringe full of his blood.
Four months later during a routine check-up she was told she was HIV-positive.
She said she confronted her husband who admitted pricking her with an infected needle.
"All he said [was] he was sorry. He said, 'I used needles on you because I wanted you to be the same as me so that you can live with me and you won't leave me'," she said in a statement.
She said she confronted her husband who admitted pricking her with an infected needle.
"All he said [was] he was sorry. He said, 'I used needles on you because I wanted you to be the same as me so that you can live with me and you won't leave me'," she said in a statement.
The husband was charged in October last year.
Source:BBC News
Posted by [完顏不破] @ HWZ
wah lau.. this is fucked up man..!!
Source:BBC News
Posted by [完顏不破] @ HWZ
wah lau.. this is fucked up man..!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Aion Banhammer
A GM from Aion MMO decides to ban ppl who are selling gold which is illegal
gotto say, this is definitely a interested to inform ppl tt they are banned ! lolz...
Kopi under...
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Man 'finishes' World of Warcraft
A Taiwanese man has been named as the first player to 'finish' World of Warcraft.
'Little Gray', as his character's known, is the first to successfully complete all of the MMO's 986 achievements listed in the armory, reports MMO Champion.
To reach the milestone the Taiwanese power-player killed 390,895 creatures, accumulated 7,255,538,878 points of damage, completed 5,906 quests (that's 14.62 quests per day, apparently), raided 405 dungeons and hugged 11 players.
The achievement hasn't arrived without some controversy though; WoW-heads point out that technically he's still missing one illusive, event-tied achievement (called "BB King"), but he's managed to dodge it via a glitch awarding one extra, false achievement point.
We say he's not a man until he tracks down and gets that last achievement legitimately.
Source: CVG
posted by GodOfSpeed @ Gamescore
well... next expansion can be
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the No Life King (Taiwan Edition)
lolz... but still, it's pretty impressive he completed all tt...
'Little Gray', as his character's known, is the first to successfully complete all of the MMO's 986 achievements listed in the armory, reports MMO Champion.
To reach the milestone the Taiwanese power-player killed 390,895 creatures, accumulated 7,255,538,878 points of damage, completed 5,906 quests (that's 14.62 quests per day, apparently), raided 405 dungeons and hugged 11 players.
The achievement hasn't arrived without some controversy though; WoW-heads point out that technically he's still missing one illusive, event-tied achievement (called "BB King"), but he's managed to dodge it via a glitch awarding one extra, false achievement point.
We say he's not a man until he tracks down and gets that last achievement legitimately.
Source: CVG
posted by GodOfSpeed @ Gamescore
well... next expansion can be
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the No Life King (Taiwan Edition)
lolz... but still, it's pretty impressive he completed all tt...
Kopi under...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Ah Joe Chronicles???

No lah... juz doing it once in awhile to tell u guys abt some funnies tt happens once in awhile, whether with my clients or with frens :)
Edit: kk in defence of her, i know some other countries or ppl refers ice lemon tea as ice tea too :P
Italian State Police receive new Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4

Source: AutoBlog
Of coz it's pretty gd, until....
The Lamborghini Gallardo that crashed into parked cars on its way from an exhibition in Cremona. The crash occured after the car, which belonged to the Bologna police was cut up by another motorist leaving a service station.
Source: Guardian

posted by singdigi @ HWZ
Kopi under...
The Tetsujin 28-go Statue Is GIGANTIC

From Kotaku
"The statue is in Kobe's Wakamatsu Park, a residential area hit hard by the Great Hanshin Earthquake. The Gigantor statue symbolizes how the city has recovered since the 1995 quake — BY BUILDING AN AWESOME ROBOT."
Source: Kotaku
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Girlfriend Smashes Boyfriend’s Xbox: “I’m Bored & Ignored”
posted by Tsuteki @ HWZ
one thing to note, i will KILL any one who does this to my beloved ps3!!
btw.. nice drain :D
Kopi under...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Four police officers shot dead in Washington
SEATTLE, Washington: Four police officers were shot dead in a targeted ambush near a US air force base in Washington state, law enforcement sources said on Sunday.
Pierce County Sheriff's Office spokesman Ed Troyer said the officers were sitting in a coffee shop before their shift started when at least one gunman entered and started shooting at around 8:15 am (1615 GMT) local time.
"We have somebody out there who blatantly went in and opened fire on four police officers, killing all four of them," Troyer said following the shooting near McChord Air Force base in Tacoma, around 35 miles south of Seattle.
Troyer did not disclose any information about the identities of the victims, saying only that the officers had worked in law enforcement in Washington state for their entire careers.
Local media later reported that the victims - three men and one woman - were in full uniform, including bulletproof vests, when they were shot.
Troyer said authorities believed the men had been specifically targeted, noting that staff and other customers at the coffee shop at the time of the shooting had not been shot at.
"It was definitely an ambush target situation, there were two baristas and some other customers in there. None of them were hurt or shot at or aimed at," Troyer said. "It was not a robbery. Gunman came in there and opened fire on the four police officers."
Troyer later described the crime scene as "carnage everywhere." "It's like a bad horror movie, it's horrible," he was quoted by the Seattle Times as saying.
Police said they believed only one gunman was responsible for the attack although law enforcement "may also be looking for another person."
The suspected gunman was described as a "black male in his 20s or 30s" Troyer told reporters. "He walked in with a handgun, opened fire multiple times and fled the scene," he said.
The gunman was described as scruffy-looking and fled on foot after the attack.
"We all hope that somebody from the public may have heard or seen something or knows the person who did this," Troyer said.
Troyer said the victims had been going over some paperwork ahead of their shift at the time of the shooting.
"They were getting ready for their shift to start. They had a meeting to go over some paperwork and what they would be working on. That's standard procedure," he said.
Police set up tiplines and offered a 10,000-dollar reward for anyone with information about those responsible for the shooting.
Local media reports said police had been tackling street gangs in the area recently but Troyer appeared to discount a suggestion that the killing could have been part of an initiation test.
"For a gang member to do something like this would be way out of the box," Troyer said.
"Gangs wouldn't be happy about this because it would bring attention to them that they don't want. That's not the direction we're going."
Washington Governor Chris Gregoire voiced his shock at the shootings, which local media said was the worst single loss of life involving law enforcement officers in state history.
"I am shocked and horrified at the murder of four police officers this morning in Pierce County," Gregoire said.
"Our police put their lives on the line every day, and tragedies like this remind us of the risks they continually take to keep our communities safe." - AFP/de
Source: CNA
Posted by Uber_Soldat @ Gamescore
Pierce County Sheriff's Office spokesman Ed Troyer said the officers were sitting in a coffee shop before their shift started when at least one gunman entered and started shooting at around 8:15 am (1615 GMT) local time.
"We have somebody out there who blatantly went in and opened fire on four police officers, killing all four of them," Troyer said following the shooting near McChord Air Force base in Tacoma, around 35 miles south of Seattle.
Troyer did not disclose any information about the identities of the victims, saying only that the officers had worked in law enforcement in Washington state for their entire careers.
Local media later reported that the victims - three men and one woman - were in full uniform, including bulletproof vests, when they were shot.
Troyer said authorities believed the men had been specifically targeted, noting that staff and other customers at the coffee shop at the time of the shooting had not been shot at.
"It was definitely an ambush target situation, there were two baristas and some other customers in there. None of them were hurt or shot at or aimed at," Troyer said. "It was not a robbery. Gunman came in there and opened fire on the four police officers."
Troyer later described the crime scene as "carnage everywhere." "It's like a bad horror movie, it's horrible," he was quoted by the Seattle Times as saying.
Police said they believed only one gunman was responsible for the attack although law enforcement "may also be looking for another person."
The suspected gunman was described as a "black male in his 20s or 30s" Troyer told reporters. "He walked in with a handgun, opened fire multiple times and fled the scene," he said.
The gunman was described as scruffy-looking and fled on foot after the attack.
"We all hope that somebody from the public may have heard or seen something or knows the person who did this," Troyer said.
Troyer said the victims had been going over some paperwork ahead of their shift at the time of the shooting.
"They were getting ready for their shift to start. They had a meeting to go over some paperwork and what they would be working on. That's standard procedure," he said.
Police set up tiplines and offered a 10,000-dollar reward for anyone with information about those responsible for the shooting.
Local media reports said police had been tackling street gangs in the area recently but Troyer appeared to discount a suggestion that the killing could have been part of an initiation test.
"For a gang member to do something like this would be way out of the box," Troyer said.
"Gangs wouldn't be happy about this because it would bring attention to them that they don't want. That's not the direction we're going."
Washington Governor Chris Gregoire voiced his shock at the shootings, which local media said was the worst single loss of life involving law enforcement officers in state history.
"I am shocked and horrified at the murder of four police officers this morning in Pierce County," Gregoire said.
"Our police put their lives on the line every day, and tragedies like this remind us of the risks they continually take to keep our communities safe." - AFP/de
Source: CNA
Posted by Uber_Soldat @ Gamescore
Kopi under...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Pizza Hut removing Salad Bar in China
Posted by liblib @ HWZ
Lovers of Pizza Hut may be disappointed to learn that the chain's once popular self-serve salad bar is fading away in hundreds of Pizza Hut restaurants across China, with alternatives appearing in its place on the menu.
The China Division of Yum! Brands Inc. said Thursday that it would remove the salad bar option from its menu gradually to fit the changing diet demands of customers. They didn't reveal an exact time frame, self-serve salads are already gone from some Pizza Huts.
According to Yum! China, as salads become more popular, the self-serve option can no longer meet Chinese customers' demands for the variety and quality of salads. Accordingly, the salads offered should be "more professional," the company said.
But to some consumers, neither the removal nor the reason behind it is acceptable.
Some, especially young customers, see Pizza Hut's 32-yuan self-serve deal as more than just a salad. Only one trip to the salad bar is allowed, so how much one can fit into the plate decides how much one can eat; and the more you put, the more you eat. Some diners pile on the fruits and vegetables, aiming to get the most out of their meal, and sharing with friends and finding ways to fit more on the plate are part of the fun.
But all this salad-piling has been less fun for Pizza Hut, considering the salad bar's high cost and low profitability. Each item on the bar must be kept two-thirds full at all times and must be replaced with fresh ingredients every three hours.
Replacing the salad bar on Pizza Hut's menu are the new Smoked Salmon, Seafood Fruit, Grilled Chicken, Twin Potato and Tuna Salads, whose prices range from 16 to 25 yuan

Now not sure if the pics are real anot... but i seriously find it very creative to stack until like this...
but also feel it's too much for them to do this... so i guess it's their own fault for pizza hut to close down the salad bar
Lovers of Pizza Hut may be disappointed to learn that the chain's once popular self-serve salad bar is fading away in hundreds of Pizza Hut restaurants across China, with alternatives appearing in its place on the menu.
The China Division of Yum! Brands Inc. said Thursday that it would remove the salad bar option from its menu gradually to fit the changing diet demands of customers. They didn't reveal an exact time frame, self-serve salads are already gone from some Pizza Huts.
According to Yum! China, as salads become more popular, the self-serve option can no longer meet Chinese customers' demands for the variety and quality of salads. Accordingly, the salads offered should be "more professional," the company said.
But to some consumers, neither the removal nor the reason behind it is acceptable.
Some, especially young customers, see Pizza Hut's 32-yuan self-serve deal as more than just a salad. Only one trip to the salad bar is allowed, so how much one can fit into the plate decides how much one can eat; and the more you put, the more you eat. Some diners pile on the fruits and vegetables, aiming to get the most out of their meal, and sharing with friends and finding ways to fit more on the plate are part of the fun.
But all this salad-piling has been less fun for Pizza Hut, considering the salad bar's high cost and low profitability. Each item on the bar must be kept two-thirds full at all times and must be replaced with fresh ingredients every three hours.
Replacing the salad bar on Pizza Hut's menu are the new Smoked Salmon, Seafood Fruit, Grilled Chicken, Twin Potato and Tuna Salads, whose prices range from 16 to 25 yuan

Now not sure if the pics are real anot... but i seriously find it very creative to stack until like this...
but also feel it's too much for them to do this... so i guess it's their own fault for pizza hut to close down the salad bar
Kopi under...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
This is How a Pissed Off Designer Quits His Job

Supposedly the pop up prompt (which apparently doesn't do anything) was seen by the fellow's coworker who explained the situation:
He believed he was in a temp-to-hire position, and after three months of extra hours and butt-kissing, turns out it's just a temp position. He was a good worker too. I'd have recommended him. Too bad he burned his bridges... Obviously he had contemplated quitting long enough to make this thing, but still refused to speak to anyone about his feelings. Ironically, he complained about the 'divas' at his last job.
Source: Gizmodo
lolz this is pretty ingenious of the fella, maybe can give fellow coders/programmers some ideas on wat to do when they quit their job :)
Thanks to vincent for the link~
Kopi under...
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

When "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" was announced for a summer 2011 release, fans went wild. Then the project hit rough waters following the departure of studio chief Dick Cook, a big supporter of "Pirates" star Johnny Depp. The Jack Sparrow actor subsequently expressed hesitation about continuing with the series.
Still, the project sails forward. Depp's not a lock until he signs off on the script, which he hasn't yet seen, but Captain Barbossa actor Geoffrey Rush told MTV in late September that he's been told to keep his schedule open for cameras to roll next spring.
And before any of that took place, in midsummer, word emerged that Rob Marshall, director of the Academy Award-winning "Chicago," is negotiating to direct "On Stranger Tides." So when MTV's Josh Horowitz spoke to Marshall at the press junket for his upcoming musical "Nine," he had to squeeze in a few questions about the status of his work on "Pirates."
"[The deal is] very close to happening, actually," Marshall said. "I'm very excited ... excited to work with Johnny."
It's an unusual change of gears for the series. Gore Verbinski directed the three previous entries, a good pairing of material with the same guy who directed "The Ring" and the Brad Pitt/Julia Roberts-starring action/thriller "The Mexican." Marshall, on the other hand, represents a sharp change in direction, what with his "Chicago" and (soon enough) "Nine" cred — two musicals.
"I think [Disney is] probably looking for a fresh approach," he explained. "I think it's good when you're doing these series' of films, like 'Harry Potter.' It's nice to bring in a fresh approach." The real question is, how does Marshall define "fresh"?
"I don't know yet. Johnny's playing Captain Jack, so that's there," he revealed. "It'll be its own thing. I'll approach it as a film." This confirmation is at odds with that he'd only do another "Pirates" if he read a script that was "worthy of the audience's attention," but Marshall is pretty sure the actor is in.
"You know what, [he's in] as far as I know. The truth is, we all love Dick [Cook]. He's a very special, special man," Marshall explained. "So [his departure from Disney] was hard for everybody. But Johnny is a great guy and we've been looking to work together for awhile, so it's going to be nice to be able to do that, hopefully."
Marshall doesn't have a timetable, though he is certain that "On Stranger Tides" is next for him. Given the musical background, we have to wonder if Depp will get to break into song, especially after his success with Tim Burton's "Sweeney Todd" adaptation. And a Jack Sparrow song-and-dance number could be an amazing thing indeed.
"I'm sure we'll do something," Marshall revealed. There'll be a little something in there ... from us. The great thing is that I love Johnny. He's incredible, as an actor and as a person too. So I know it'll be a great experience."
Source: MTV
Posted by Vindicta @ Gamescore
Watch the Wedding of Man and Game Character
Yupz, tt same guy 2 posts down... his wedding video is up..
for those who see those words running across the screen, it's the comments made by ppl whois watching the video at tt moment
Kopi under...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Creating a Tornado Inside a Soap Bubble
Thanks to vincent for the link~
Kopi under...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Some dude married his Love Plus girlfriend
Just when you think enough time has passed for gamers to get over the novelty of Love Plus and move on to a more normal experience, some damn fool announces he’s wed Nene, one of the dating sim’s three virtual girlfriends.
The otaku brought his DS and a copy of the game to a chapel in Guam (I wonder if it’s the same guy we featured two weeks ago?), where he took Nene Anegasaki’s hand in marriage. The newlyweds plan to hold a reception in Japan, and have invited the media to attend and view slides from their wedding and courtship.
Local video streaming site NicoNico Douga plans to broadcast the November 22nd event live, starting around 12:00, so clear your evening schedule for that. There’s no word yet on whether the couple has consummated the marriage, but I suppose we’ll find out when we see the condition of the husband’s Nintendo DS.
Source: tinycartridge
Something is wrong -_-
oh btw for those who have no idea wat's love plus..
From Wiki
Love Plus takes place in "Towano City" a developing city surrounded by beautiful mountains and ocean. You, the player, transfer to Towano private high school. Furthermore in this city, there are 3 girls where you can have a predestined like encounter. While going to school and part time jobs, memories and feelings accumulate between you and the girls.
During that time, for the girls you were an important "friend". But, the girls notice a faint feeling...
The girls earnestly feel, "I want him to love me." and adjusts to your tastes while giving their best. And so comes the fated confession day... With strong determination and courage, she conveys her feelings with all that she has.
But it's not the end when you are told her feelings. The confession so to speak is just the prologue.
From here, a never ending story together begins.
yes.. it's a bloody game...
The otaku brought his DS and a copy of the game to a chapel in Guam (I wonder if it’s the same guy we featured two weeks ago?), where he took Nene Anegasaki’s hand in marriage. The newlyweds plan to hold a reception in Japan, and have invited the media to attend and view slides from their wedding and courtship.
Local video streaming site NicoNico Douga plans to broadcast the November 22nd event live, starting around 12:00, so clear your evening schedule for that. There’s no word yet on whether the couple has consummated the marriage, but I suppose we’ll find out when we see the condition of the husband’s Nintendo DS.
Source: tinycartridge
Something is wrong -_-
oh btw for those who have no idea wat's love plus..
From Wiki
Love Plus takes place in "Towano City" a developing city surrounded by beautiful mountains and ocean. You, the player, transfer to Towano private high school. Furthermore in this city, there are 3 girls where you can have a predestined like encounter. While going to school and part time jobs, memories and feelings accumulate between you and the girls.
During that time, for the girls you were an important "friend". But, the girls notice a faint feeling...
The girls earnestly feel, "I want him to love me." and adjusts to your tastes while giving their best. And so comes the fated confession day... With strong determination and courage, she conveys her feelings with all that she has.
But it's not the end when you are told her feelings. The confession so to speak is just the prologue.
From here, a never ending story together begins.
yes.. it's a bloody game...
Cop Climbing Cat
posted by satayxp @ HWZ
so cute~~~ but i dun like tt last kick/flick from the cop... seems kinda rough -_-
Kopi under...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Why couldn't I take empty seat?
Letter from Kartik Jayaraman 05:55 AM Nov 20, 2009
On Wednesday, I boarded one of the new SMRT buses. When a passenger vacated a seat and I was about to occupy it, the woman next to it objected, saying she could not "allow" me to sit next to her as I am a male and my body would "touch" her.
I would have appreciated that if she had made a request but she said she could not "allow" me, even adding that in my culture I would not allow that to happen. How could she assume what my culture is? I do realise that the two seater seats in these new buses are narrow. But if she would have been polite, it would have made sense.
I asked her why not she just stand instead, and she made a ruckus, saying that she is a woman. When I tried to reason with her, a man behind asked me to not "disturb the lady".
The bus captain stopped the bus and asked for the matter to be finished, and he looked at me. This is the first time I have been refused the right to sit in an empty seat!
Source: TODAYonline
Posted by vasilli07 @ HWZ
Seriously.. wat the hell is wrong with ppl this days?
to the stupid lady, i can onli say this...
On Wednesday, I boarded one of the new SMRT buses. When a passenger vacated a seat and I was about to occupy it, the woman next to it objected, saying she could not "allow" me to sit next to her as I am a male and my body would "touch" her.
I would have appreciated that if she had made a request but she said she could not "allow" me, even adding that in my culture I would not allow that to happen. How could she assume what my culture is? I do realise that the two seater seats in these new buses are narrow. But if she would have been polite, it would have made sense.
I asked her why not she just stand instead, and she made a ruckus, saying that she is a woman. When I tried to reason with her, a man behind asked me to not "disturb the lady".
The bus captain stopped the bus and asked for the matter to be finished, and he looked at me. This is the first time I have been refused the right to sit in an empty seat!
Source: TODAYonline
Posted by vasilli07 @ HWZ
Seriously.. wat the hell is wrong with ppl this days?
to the stupid lady, i can onli say this...

Kopi under...
Local news
Thursday, November 19, 2009
lolz.. abit NSFW
thanks to Alex for the link
Kopi under...
Ticket prices for Universal Studios theme park start from S$32
SINGAPORE: Visitors are one step closer to visiting Southeast Asia’s first and only Universal Studios theme park opening at Sentosa’s Resorts World, now that ticket prices have been revealed.
Sale of tickets should not be too far on the horizon, with Resorts World Sentosa announcing on Wednesday its one—day, two—day and express pass ticket prices that range from S$32 to S$118 to access all attractions.
"We have pegged ticket prices for Universal Studios Singapore at an incredible value compared to major theme parks worldwide," said Shirly Chen, Vice President (Sales Development), Resorts World Sentosa.
The Universal Studios’ one—day pass on a weekday will cost S$66 for an adult and S$48 for a child, with seniors enjoying a special rate of S$32. The pass will cost S$72, S$52 and S$36 respectively for visits on weekends and public holidays.
And if you want to avoid the long queues, you can buy an express pass costing between S$30 and S$68 — on top of an admission pass.
The price is also attractive for tickets to visit the theme park over two consecutive days, with the highest tag being S$118 for an adult two—day pass.
"As Singapore’s IR, a place for every Singaporean, it is also our aim to reach out to everyone, not forgetting grandmas and grandpas," said Chen.
Resorts World Sentosa will open early next year, with four hotels, a casino and a host of shopping, dining and entertainment offerings, along with the Universal Studios Singapore theme park.
Ticket sales and room reservations will be launched at a later date, in conjunction with exclusive packages for a charity auction.
Universal Studios Singapore will feature 24 attractions, including the world’s biggest single collection of DreamWorks Animation attractions such as the world’s first Far Far Away Castle from the world of Shrek, Madagascar theme park ride and the world’s tallest dueling roller coaster.
— CNA/sf
Source: CNA
posted by validator @ Gamescore
Ex or not? i think most prob this will be a one-time trip ba...
Sale of tickets should not be too far on the horizon, with Resorts World Sentosa announcing on Wednesday its one—day, two—day and express pass ticket prices that range from S$32 to S$118 to access all attractions.
"We have pegged ticket prices for Universal Studios Singapore at an incredible value compared to major theme parks worldwide," said Shirly Chen, Vice President (Sales Development), Resorts World Sentosa.
The Universal Studios’ one—day pass on a weekday will cost S$66 for an adult and S$48 for a child, with seniors enjoying a special rate of S$32. The pass will cost S$72, S$52 and S$36 respectively for visits on weekends and public holidays.
And if you want to avoid the long queues, you can buy an express pass costing between S$30 and S$68 — on top of an admission pass.
The price is also attractive for tickets to visit the theme park over two consecutive days, with the highest tag being S$118 for an adult two—day pass.
"As Singapore’s IR, a place for every Singaporean, it is also our aim to reach out to everyone, not forgetting grandmas and grandpas," said Chen.
Resorts World Sentosa will open early next year, with four hotels, a casino and a host of shopping, dining and entertainment offerings, along with the Universal Studios Singapore theme park.
Ticket sales and room reservations will be launched at a later date, in conjunction with exclusive packages for a charity auction.
Universal Studios Singapore will feature 24 attractions, including the world’s biggest single collection of DreamWorks Animation attractions such as the world’s first Far Far Away Castle from the world of Shrek, Madagascar theme park ride and the world’s tallest dueling roller coaster.
— CNA/sf
Source: CNA
posted by validator @ Gamescore
Ex or not? i think most prob this will be a one-time trip ba...
Kopi under...
Local news
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Dads for Life - stories of fatherhood
posted by Validator @ Gamescore
Kopi under...
Local production,
Dover Park Hospice fund raising project proves a hit for wrong reasons
SINGAPORE: Charity fundraisers are common in Singapore. But an initiative to raise money to help care for the dying has highlighted a less charitable side of the nation.
The sunflower is a symbol of palliative care and Dover Park Hospice began selling them at Raffles Place on Monday to raise funds.
Those who donate S$5 can either plant a flower nearby or take it away.
But on Tuesday morning, volunteers arrived to find empty grass patches as all the 1,000 sunflowers planted the day before had been taken away.
Stefanie Yuen—Thio, chairperson, Dover Park Hospice, Fund Raising Committee, said: "Singaporeans may not have known what this was about, they may have thought it was the gerberas from the kindness movement."
There were no signs to indicate the sunflowers are part of a fundraiser, creating a moral dilemma for some.
Said one woman in the street: "If everybody is taking it, people will think that it’s free."
But discreet tags on the flowers pricked the conscience of some who had taken them.
Ms Yuen—Thio added: "When some people who had taken it and read the little tag on the card, they found that the flowers were part of a fundraising effort. They felt really bad. A lovely lady who had taken it by mistake came back and she apologised, and she made a S$40 donation."
To prevent the sunflowers from being taken again, they will be put up in the morning and removed in the evening, everyday, until the Dover Park Hospice walk on Sunday. — CNA/vm
Source: YahooNews
sigh.. typical singaporeans...
The sunflower is a symbol of palliative care and Dover Park Hospice began selling them at Raffles Place on Monday to raise funds.
Those who donate S$5 can either plant a flower nearby or take it away.
But on Tuesday morning, volunteers arrived to find empty grass patches as all the 1,000 sunflowers planted the day before had been taken away.
Stefanie Yuen—Thio, chairperson, Dover Park Hospice, Fund Raising Committee, said: "Singaporeans may not have known what this was about, they may have thought it was the gerberas from the kindness movement."
There were no signs to indicate the sunflowers are part of a fundraiser, creating a moral dilemma for some.
Said one woman in the street: "If everybody is taking it, people will think that it’s free."
But discreet tags on the flowers pricked the conscience of some who had taken them.
Ms Yuen—Thio added: "When some people who had taken it and read the little tag on the card, they found that the flowers were part of a fundraising effort. They felt really bad. A lovely lady who had taken it by mistake came back and she apologised, and she made a S$40 donation."
To prevent the sunflowers from being taken again, they will be put up in the morning and removed in the evening, everyday, until the Dover Park Hospice walk on Sunday. — CNA/vm
Source: YahooNews
sigh.. typical singaporeans...
Kopi under...
Local news
James May Top Toys - Action man
wow the toy actually worked ! lolz...
thanks to vincent for the link~!
Kopi under...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Bacon-Flavored Envelopes

Bacon-Flavored Mmmvelopes are envelopes with adhesive that tastes like bacon. So when you seal an envelope, you get the taste of bacon
those who are interested in it can check it out here
lolz thanks to vincent for the link
Kopi under...
Knocking Down 117 Toys Balanced on Single Lego Brick
thanks to vincent for the link~
Kopi under...
Arm Chair Reaches 98,268 Feet in New Toshiba Commercial
Facts about the shoot:
• The shots were taken at a staggering 98,268 feet above the earth using Toshiba's own cameras
• To reach the altitude required and to conform with Federal Aviation Administration regulations, the weight of the rig had to be carefully managed to a weight of no more than four pounds
• Tied to the rig was a specially created full-sized model chair made of biodegradable balsa wood – the chair was made by a company called Artem and cost about £2,500
• Launch coordinates of the rig were - 119 degrees, 14 minutes by 40 degrees, 48 minute (12 miles North-East of the town of Gerlach, Nevada)
• The quality of the footage from the Toshiba IK-HR1S cameras was: 1920x1080 pixel count; 1080i @ 50hz; 100 Mbps
• The temperature dropped to minus 90 degrees when the chair reached 52,037 feet
• The chair took 83 minutes to reach an altitude of 98,268 feet where it broke and took just 24 minutes to fall back down to earth with the rig.
Thanks to vincent for the video~!
Kopi under...
Monday, November 16, 2009
Oli Lemieux training trampoline wall Dralion Cirque du Soleil
wow.. O.O
thanks to vincent for the link~
Kopi under...
Zombie Island of Dr. Ned Gameplay Video
Lolz Dr Ned looks juz like Dr Zed !! onli minus the moustache...
Call of Duty to get paid-for online services
Activision says you should "expect" paid-for online models such as those in World of Warcraft to make the transition to other games, including Call of Duty.
Speaking during yesterday's BMO Capital Markets Conference (which sounds fun), Activision Blizzard CFO, Thomas Tippl said that while WoW's model is difficult to replicate, players should expect new monetization models for its other games soon.
"It's definitely an aspiration that we see potential in, particularly as we look at different business models to monetize the online gameplay," said Tippl. "There's good knowledge exchange happening between the Blizzard folks and our online guys."
"We have great experience also on Call of Duty with the success we had on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. A lot of that knowledge is getting actually built into the Battle.Net platform and the design of that," he added.
"I think it's been mutually beneficial, and you should expect us to test and ultimately launch additional online monetization models of some of some of our biggest franchises like Call of Duty."
According to the Activision CFO, there is a demand from its core fanbase to pay for additional services.
"Our gamers are telling us there's lots of services and innovation they would like to see that they're not getting yet. From what we see so far, additional content, as well as all the services Blizzard is offering, is that there is demand from the core gamers to pay up for that," he said.
Source: Computerandvideogames
Posted by GoS @ Gamescore
hmm... i would say we have to wait n see, seriously thou, which idiot belongs to the "core fanbase" they are toking abt?
Speaking during yesterday's BMO Capital Markets Conference (which sounds fun), Activision Blizzard CFO, Thomas Tippl said that while WoW's model is difficult to replicate, players should expect new monetization models for its other games soon.
"It's definitely an aspiration that we see potential in, particularly as we look at different business models to monetize the online gameplay," said Tippl. "There's good knowledge exchange happening between the Blizzard folks and our online guys."
"We have great experience also on Call of Duty with the success we had on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. A lot of that knowledge is getting actually built into the Battle.Net platform and the design of that," he added.
"I think it's been mutually beneficial, and you should expect us to test and ultimately launch additional online monetization models of some of some of our biggest franchises like Call of Duty."
According to the Activision CFO, there is a demand from its core fanbase to pay for additional services.
"Our gamers are telling us there's lots of services and innovation they would like to see that they're not getting yet. From what we see so far, additional content, as well as all the services Blizzard is offering, is that there is demand from the core gamers to pay up for that," he said.
Source: Computerandvideogames
Posted by GoS @ Gamescore
hmm... i would say we have to wait n see, seriously thou, which idiot belongs to the "core fanbase" they are toking abt?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
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