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2day restaurant city has a new update n tt's now customers have a different kind of needs, the toilet kind and the option to build toilets in ur restaurant, so if a customer needs to go aerial bombing, but u dun have the squat, u get a -1 rep pt.
And with constant bombardment, the bowl (not the food bowl)will overflow and so u need to release a person to do toilet duty...
becoz of this, i bo bian have to release someone to do it, taking away one stove, rearranging the table, i found the unfortunate person whois in need of a job...
Yup, sorrie abt tt Red, but seems that u got the toilet duty LOLZ
Came across this blog post while surfing the forums, i must say, i like the writer's sense of humor hehe...
Click the link below to read it :)
Tale of two events
With the recent release of FF XIII demo n FF VII ACC, Intermezzo has done a comparison on how it looks like on Analog Tv n HD Tv
The Analog Tv is a US$200 model 14-inch Sony WEGA from the year 2000. Connected to the PS3 with composite cables.
The HD Tv is a US$4,000 50-inch Pioneer plasma panel from 2006. Connected to the PS3 with composite cables.


Analog n Plasma

For FF VII ACC, the following setups was used,
Blu-ray Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete on a 50-inch HD TV
Blu-ray FFVII: ACC on a 14-inch analog TV
DVD Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children on a 14-inch analog TV

Compare n see for urselves ba~
Posted by BigAssGun @ HardwareZone

Title: Mies van der Rohe Farnsworth House
Name: Alessandro Prodan
Country: Italy
Software: After Effects, Maya, mental ray
pretty crazy stuff...
Check out his thread @ CGTalk here