Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Smartest Bird Ever!
hahahaha so cute!!
Thanks to shu mei for the link :D
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Poor Betty! Archie will propose to Veronica

By Mike Celizic contributor
updated 12:08 p.m. ET May 30, 2009
After 68 years of waffling, Archie Andrews has made his choice. It’s the raven-haired heiress over the girl next door, Veronica Lodge over Betty Cooper.
Just eight days after Archie Comics announced that Archie would finally choose between his two high-school hotties, the word is out: Archie gets down on bended knee to present Veronica with his proposal and a ring while poor Betty looks on and wipes away a tear. Veronica replies to the proposal with a resounding “Yes!”
The red-haired all-American boy’s choice is likely to upset many Archie fans. Ever since news that Archie would get married broke, they have been filling the message boards at with their opinions on which girl should get the ring.
Posted by Blueice @ Gamescore
Personally, i would rather he take betty -_-
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KFC VS McDonalds
Posted by [C]han[G] @ Gamescore :)
Oh btw check out the youtube poster's avatar pic !! (click the video to open a new window to youtube) the pic is so cute >.<
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Friday, August 21, 2009
Thai Cheers Ad Parody
yes.. even down to the "Dias" nodding part... wahahaha
thanks to bengloon for the link~
StarCraft II Figure @ Blizzcon

Attendees at Blizzcon this weekend will be given a little treat for their troubles. A schwag bag. And in that schwag bag will be this little guy.
It's a delightful little Jim Raynor in full combat armour, with its "OMG limited edition value" increased by the giant "Blizz Con" logo on his shoulder plate.
Source: Kotaku
wah.. so cute !!
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Thursday, August 20, 2009
The 5 Litres Experiment
The 5-litres experiment is an exciting adventure initiated by a pair of students in Oxford at the end of 2007. In fact it’s a challenge. We called it “experiment” because nobody has ever tried, and may be (we hope not) it is impossible.
Is it possible to fill up a 5 litres bottle with your own sperm? Most of the students we talked to said “NO”! Or that it would take a whole life
to do it.
We have been worrying about this ridiculous sample of weakness and fear of healthy young men.
We refused to think that in this world there is not even one young person in pijama hidden between the four walls of his room able to spend 3 hours a day on this challenge.
We refuse to believe that there is no man out there on this planet that is able to eyaculate a yogurt on a daily bases.
Because we believe in humanity and because we are sure that the virility has not disappeared we initiated this challenge. A worldwide challenge just for men.
5 Litres Experiment
Posted by athletic91 @ HWZ
Is it possible to fill up a 5 litres bottle with your own sperm? Most of the students we talked to said “NO”! Or that it would take a whole life
to do it.
We have been worrying about this ridiculous sample of weakness and fear of healthy young men.
We refused to think that in this world there is not even one young person in pijama hidden between the four walls of his room able to spend 3 hours a day on this challenge.
We refuse to believe that there is no man out there on this planet that is able to eyaculate a yogurt on a daily bases.
Because we believe in humanity and because we are sure that the virility has not disappeared we initiated this challenge. A worldwide challenge just for men.
5 Litres Experiment
Posted by athletic91 @ HWZ
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Ninja Warrior Stage03
really respect ppl who manage to complete those stages man... but while watching.. one major qns pop in my head...
check out 5:10
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009
PS3 Slim confirmed

With three key changes to its guts, the new PlayStation 3 is more cost-efficient and poised to boost Sony's market share, Sony told Kotaku today. Oh, and the slim has no rear power button.
Sony is hoping that the the newly-announced slim PlayStation 3, launching in the U.S. on September 1 for $299, will be "a game-changing" moment for PlayStation, John Koller, Sony Computer Entertainment of America director of hardware marketing, told Kotaku today. "We think it's the sign of a substantial market increase in the sales base of PlayStation 3."
Going farewell are the bulkier PS3s. Which have carried Sony so far only into third place of the three-way console race this generation. Those heftier PS3s aren't being manufactured any more, Koller said. Sony expects the 80GB PS3 to be out of the sales channel in September. The 160GB supply may last a little longer, Koller said.
Koller identified three key tech changes in the new slim: the system's Cell processor has decreased from 65 nanometers to 45. A new cooling system is in place. And there's a new power draw. The result is something that Koller said is more cost-efficient for Sony to produce. He would not say whether Sony is making money or losing money selling the new unit. Often, console manufacturers lose money on gaming hardware, with the intent of recouping revenue through software sales.
The Slim has no on-off switch on the back, using only the standby functionality on the front of the unit.
The launch units will not include Sony's 3.0 firmware, though that will be added to later units.
Koller said that Sony is not considering adding backwards compatibility support to the PS3, a feature stripped from the line a while ago but sometimes requested by some fans. "Backwards compatibility is off the table," he said.
Source Kotaku
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Bavaria spoofs Heineken walk-in-fridge
lolz.. thanks to alex for the link !
here's the original Heineken Commercial they spoof incase u haven watch it yet
and i juz found out there's a sequel to it lolz
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Monday, August 17, 2009
Cardcaptor Sakura Cosplay
Warning: Might Puke
Posted by ikileo @ HWZ
Thanks to Sengyi for the link :D
Posted by ikileo @ HWZ
Thanks to Sengyi for the link :D
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