Here's a look at the multiplayer

Extract from Kotaku
Uncharted 2 does coop one-better, belying its "2" with three-person cooperative online play. Coop doesn't necessarily follow the single-player storyline, offering an alternative way to play the game, something that feels even more action intensive than what solo play has to offer.
Enemies will come at your three person team—which consisted of Drake, Chloe and Sully in the level we played—from all sides. Progression may be forward (and upward), but heavily armed mercs will spawn from any available opening, flanking you, shooting you from behind. They just don't stop coming.
That makes some of your goals extremely challenging. You'll need to cooperatively traverse and alter the environment, giving other players a boost to street signs they can't reach without your help, lending a hand when all three need to lift a heavy bureau.
Teammates will be able to revive their downed partners as well as rescue them from the clutches of bad guys, so the three-way buddy system looks to be fully explored.
While cooperative platforming and terrain traversal may not sound like the online thrill you've been looking for, the intensity of the gunplay should more than make up for it. That's particularly true when mid-level bosses show up, guys decked out in full body armor, armed with those massive chain guns we mentioned earlier. While Uncharted 2 looks like it won't be slouching in the "shoot guys in the face (and often)" department, the run and gun action in coop play looks like it will be a serious challenge, one that will require everyone on your team is sporting a Bluetooth headset. I say that because I did. A lot.
OKie guys, time to buy it when it's out then we go Co-op !!!