Hollywood Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen actress Megan Fox recently openly expressed her interest in Korean star Rain and also a desire to date the latter, who replied plainly to her invite, "I'm not interested."
According to media reports, Fox has spoke numerously about her admiration for Rain while on the movie promotional tour.
And that was not just a comment made by Fox; she has indeed extended a dinner date to Rain through her manager but was rejected by the Korean star who was "not interested".
Yet, the rejection did not wound her pride and ironically, it has built up stronger interest of Rain in Fox who recently criticized the comparison of herself to Angelina Jolie.
According to reports, Fox loves such challenges and has no plans to give up. She would continue extending her invite to Rain, hoping that he would agree to meet up someday.
wah.. if it's me it will be more then a dinner :D
Posted by GoS @ Gamescore Forum